Fertilization Symptoms
Pregnancy brings with it a whole host of symptoms that range from woman to woman. Some are very nauseous in the first trimester while others seemingly have few symptoms at all. This variation in symptoms can be true for early in pregnancy as well. Some women may notice some early pregnancy signs after a sperm fertilizes an egg and the egg begins to travel down the Fallopian tubes. Once this fertilized egg travels to the uterus and implants, women will begin to experience rising levels of human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. This is also known as the “pregnancy hormone.”
Some women may notice early symptoms this process is taking place. Some examples of these symptoms include the following:
Hormones associated with pregnancy can slow your digestion. The result can be bloating and abdominal discomfort. While you shouldn’t necessarily feel pain, bloating may make it a little harder to zip up your pants or make your stomach feel fuller than it usually does.
Breast Tenderness
Increases in the hCG hormone due to pregnancy can lead to heightened breast tenderness. This can cause the breasts to feel sore or perhaps tingly. The nipples may sometimes feel especially sore.
Cramping is a common early sign of fertilization because the fertilized egg (embryo) burrowing into the uterus can cause it to noticeably cramp. Sometimes the cramping may feel even stronger than typical menstrual symptoms.
Mood Swings
Although this is also a sign of PMS, mood swings can indicate fertilization. Your body is starting to change, and there are hormones that are at fluctuating in your body. The result can be mood swings that cause you to feel happy one moment and sad or frustrated the next.
Some women may take spotting around the time of their period to be a sign they aren’t pregnancy, when the opposite is actually true. When the fertilized egg implants into the uterus, this can result in some uterine bleeding. This usually occurs about 24 hours after fertilization, according to WebMD. While it shouldn’t be as heavy as a typical period, it can occur due to fertilization. At this time, the tissue wall of the uterus becomes thicker, which can lead to further bloating.
Later Fertilization Symptoms
You may or may not have the above-mentioned symptoms of early pregnancy. Most often, women start experiencing symptoms in their sixth week of pregnancy, according to Healthline. This is when symptoms of pregnancy that include morning sickness, aching breasts, and frequent urination can occur. Your body temperature may also start to fluctuate due to changing hormones that take place after the sixth week of pregnancy.
While these symptoms, and the ones that are to come, can be unpleasant, they are all part of the cycle that will ultimately allow you to welcome a new little one into the world. If you have extreme and uncomfortable symptoms, it’s important to tell your doctor. This is especially true for severe abdominal cramping and bleeding, which could indicate miscarriage.
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